dinsdag 22 juni 2010

fa fa l'americano

new new new.

with skulls - from my dad
the other - market in heerenveen


zondag 20 juni 2010

you and only you

i graduaaated ! so i had to party, these photo's are made in 'de bierhalle' on wednessday.

these picture's are made tuesday, in 'de swetser'.

friday i also wanted to party, but i was very sick so unfortunately, i didn't go..
oh, i have two new rings, you can't see them very clearly on the last picture, but i will post them later.


vrijdag 11 juni 2010

meloene meloene meloene

the blog http://www.hellopretty.net/ has a great give away! she will give away the cross-ring (you can see it on the 10th photo) you should really take a look at her blog!
loooooove these.
xx maureen.

source  : weheartit

donderdag 10 juni 2010

so live your life

dress - H&M
jewelry - H&M

(don't mind my bare feet)

dinsdag 8 juni 2010

back home.

Sorry for not posting! but i went to germany to my boyfriend! a friend of my has a driving license and he wanted to take me and my 'borther-in-law' with him to my boyfriend so i was really happy ofcourse ! I was so happy to see my boyfriend again after 3 weeks! and now i am back home and i already miss him. but sunday he comes home for one day so then i see him again :), then he will return to germany for 2 weeks, and then finally he will be home forever i hope haha !

i forgot to bring my camera with me, but my brother-in-law had a camera, so i will post some photo's later.

love, maureen.